According to some people, mathematics is only used in a classroom and is just complicated formulae and using a calculator. However, mathematics is everywhere: it is a universal language which can be applied in almost every aspect of life.
As a department, we endeavour to instil in our students a sense of wonder at how mathematics is in the real world and can explain many different things. We do this whilst helping them to become problem-solvers who show resilience, are confident in explaining their methods and ideas and who are resourceful, creative and collaborative.
The department has an environment of high expectations, where students are encouraged to ask questions of themselves, others and of the teaching staff, in order to better understand mathematics and its applications . Our students feel it is a safe place to ask questions, nothing is too small or too ‘silly’. We encourage our students to try their best and never to say ‘I can’t do maths’. Our approach is that everyone can access mathematics and can do it.
Our curriculum is designed to be accessible to all our students, whatever their background in mathematics, and including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and the more able who need to be continually challenged: we strive to get the best out of individual.
Our curriculum has been designed so that our students:
- develop fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills
- apply their understanding and knowledge to approach problems both routine and non-routine, rather than use one method for one particular type of question and a different method for another.
- use small steps, to answer a “bigger-picture” question
- identify their own mistakes and misconceptions and encourage them to resolve them independently, with help if needed
- can use a range of techniques to answer a question, which will benefit both themselves now and as an employee or employer in the future.
In Lower School, we build on what students have learnt in primary school (through work on algebra, geometry, number, ratio and statistics). Topics are interleaved and regularly revisited within new contexts to aid memory and secure understanding.
In Middle School, students follow the Edexcel IGCSE course, which includes topics such as calculus, functions and set theory, and provides a fantastic basis for further study at A-Level. At the higher end, students are also given the opportunity to study the AQA Level 2 qualification in Further Mathematics.
In the Sixth Form, we offer the Edexcel A-Level Mathematics course, where students study a mixture of Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. We also offer A-level Further Mathematics, which provides an excellent and thorough preparation for Mathematics or a mathematically-related field at university.