The Lytham St Annes Classical Association was formed in 2014 by AKS sixth former Katrina Kelly, the youngest person to ever form a branch since the Classical Association began in 1903. This thriving local organisation is now the largest CA branch in the UK with over 400 members!
There are seven lectures across the school year (advertised in the School Calendar) which take place in the Senior School hall and are, by special arrangement, free of charge to 20 AKS students (please wear school uniform). Tickets are otherwise £5 per event, or £12 for annual membership. All lectures are on a Thursday evening and start at 7.00pm, with doors opening at 6.15pm to give everyone the opportunity to meet the lecturer, peruse the second hand bookstall and enjoy home-made cakes and refreshments. All raffle proceeds go towards the Association’s Summer School Bursary Fund, which enables local students to attend the JACT annual classics summer school in Sheffield every year.
As well as the lectures and bursaries, the Association runs a free virtual Classics book club; organises the national LSA CA Ancient History Competition and encourages students of all ages to write for Agora newsletter and apply to become Classics Ambassadors and lecture volunteers. Further details of all initiatives and the Association’s latest news is available at or if you have a specific query, please contact the Secretary Jayne Kelly, on