Sixth Form

Sixth Form

Co-curricular Programme

The co-curricular programme for AKS Sixth Formers includes taking a more lead role in the clubs and societies that run throughout the school from Senior Choir to Drama Productions, Tycoon Enterprise Competition to Vent, our mental health and well-being society. Our Sixth Form students lead and drive a number of fun events in order to raise money for our charities and fundraising group AKS Action. These include Sparkle Malawi, Village Aid, Mission Christmas and Blackpool Food Bank. 

Opportunities include social event committees, academic societies (allowing for exploration beyond the curriculum), academic research projects, Round Square (International Conferences, Mini United Nations, and opportunities for volunteering in over 50 different countries), charity work (including AKS Action and volunteering), choirs, musical ensembles and concerts, debating and public speaking, drama productions (which have been award-winning at a  national level), educational and cultural trips (such as the Lower Sixth London residential, theatre trips, and so on), and study opportunities beyond A level (sich as MOOCS – Massive Open Online Courses - and university competitions).