Sixth Form

Sixth Form


Our Careers Programme across the school follows the Gatsby Benchmarks, a framework of eight guidelines that defines the best in careers provision.

In Sixth Form, students undertake further careers profiling, in addition to UCAS support, 1:1 careers guidance sessions, and visits to Universities, as well as participating in our various events and networking opportunities, such as:

  • Futures Fair
  • Introduction to Oxbridge Evening
  • UK University and Apprenticeship Fair
  • National Apprenticeship Week
  • National Careers Week
  • In addition, we draw from our extensive OAKS alumni to support our event programmes: 
    • Monthly 'Meet the Professionals' sessions
    • 'An audience with...' notable alumni events
UCAS Support

UCAS Support

You will be guided through the UCAS programme and given specific, tailored guidance, depending on your goals.  This includes:

  • Individual career interviews  
  • Personalised support throughout the UCAS application process  
  • Individual practice interviews in Sixth Form, tailored to your application  
  • Speakers from local universities  
  • Visits to higher education fairs or open days  

All of this is designed to ensure that you will be properly prepared and guided through the UCAS system and able to maximise your chances of securing the university place you want.  

Further to this, we offer specialised support for students pursuing Oxbridge, medical, veterinary and dental applications. This includes:  

  • BMAT/UCAT preparation or similar  
  • STEP preparation  
  • Practice interviews and subject mentoring  

We pride ourselves on helping you maximise your potential and finding the right course or career.

Alumni support and mentoring programme

Alumni support and mentoring programme

We have a large, diverse alumni body who support our students through careers mentoring, 'Meet the Professionals' sessions, mock interviews, CV writing guidance and work experience. In addition, our OAKS Introduce sessions provide insight into a wide range of careers. Events are publicised throughout the school and to our local community.

Please contact the Head of Careers ( if you would like to find out more information about what is coming up next and how to book sessions.

If you are a member of our alumni who would like to support this programme, or would like to benefit from our Beyond AKS support, please visit our alumni site here: