Some people argue that Mathematics is only used in a classroom, and boils down merely to complicated formulae and using a calculator. However, Mathematics is everywhere: it is a universal language which can be applied in almost every aspect of life.
As a department, we endeavour to instil in our students a sense of wonder at how Mathematics manifests in the real world and can explain many different things. We do this whilst helping them to become problem-solvers who show resilience, are confident in explaining their methods and ideas and who are resourceful, creative and collaborative.
In the Sixth Form, we offer the Edexcel A-level Mathematics course, where students study a mixture of Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. We also offer A-level Further Mathematics, which provides an excellent and thorough preparation for Mathematics or a mathematically-related field at university. For students with an interest in Oxbridge, we provide bespoke support and tuition for MAT and STEP.