Sixth Form

Sixth Form


In our fast-changing world, the study of Geography has never been more important, from understanding the physical processes that create and shape the land we live on, to appreciating and adapting to the geopolitical aspects and increasing impacts of globalisation that affect our daily lives. Geography is the subject that binds our knowledge of the world together, develops our skills to measure and map out our existence and enriches our understanding of our unique and fascinating planet. 

The Geography Department comprises highly experienced and dedicated teachers who are committed to sharing their enthusiasm for the subject. This is done through a mixture of fieldwork and well-resourced lessons which encourage students to think deeply about the contemporary world around them. 

The study of Geography at A-level presents students with the opportunity to investigate new and dynamic aspects of human interactions and physical systems that may offer a challenge to their view of the world. This will be done through the study of, for example, disease dilemmas, power and borders and our changing understanding of place. 

Our A-level course also contains four days of fieldwork including a residential stay in the Lake District to study glacial features and place perception. Students are also required to undertake a piece of investigative geography on a topic that greatly interests them. 

For those students wishing to study Geography after leaving AKS, extra support and guidance is provided to aid them with their application process and potential interviews.