Senior School

Senior School


PSHE helps students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions about alcohol to succeeding in their first job, PSHE helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.  

Alongside the information that is taught, the life skills of communication, evaluation, problem solving, negotiation and critical thinking are developed. These help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. 

PSHE is taught in a positive and interactive style, with all content being evidence-based and relevant. Whenever possible, judicious use of visiting agencies, theatre groups or bands add another dimension to the learning experience. Lessons are grouped around three modules: ‘Health and Wellbeing’,  ‘Relationships and Sex’ and ‘Living in the Wider World’, and these three modules are revisited as people move through Senior School, adding depth of understanding and new topics appropriate to their age and maturity. Our main emphasis is on topics such as e-Safety, Relationships and Sex (RSE), Mental Health, Careers, healthy lifestyles, Citizenship and politics as well as responding to topical events. 

Long before RSE was made compulsory in English schools, AKS had been delivering a comprehensive and relevant RSE module to all year groups for some time. Our experience in this field enables us to deliver an excellent programme.  

The skills taught and learned in PSHE are transferrable to other subjects and, more broadly, individuals with higher levels of emotional wellbeing are better placed to enjoyer higher levels of success, whether that is academic, sporting, in the performing arts, or wherever their passions take them. 

Our PSHE programme has been awarded the PSHE Association ‘Committed to excellence in PSHE Education' award.