As the French proverb says, "A man, who knows two languages, is worth two men".
At AKS, we are pleased to offer French, German and Spanish to pupils from Nursery up to Year 13: these three languages appear in most top-five lists of the most useful languages to learn in the UK. All MFL lessons are taught by experienced, passionate and dedicated MFL teachers, who specialise in a combination of the three languages up to A Level and beyond.
Through target-language teaching and the development of strong grammatical competence, we aim to nurture a love and curiosity of language-learning, creating independent and confident linguists, who are able to communicate in a variety of different situations in the world. Our classwork, homework, internal assessments and exams prepare the pupils from Year 7 onwards towards the terminal GCSE exams, with scaffolded grammatical progression throughout.
A recent study by Cardiff Business School estimated that a lack of foreign-language proficiency in Britain costs the economy £48 billion each year, and this was prior to Brexit. Consequently, due to the rise in demand for linguists in the workplace, combined with the fact that fewer than 50% of pupils nationally sit a GCSE in a language, we strongly encourage pupils to take a language at least up to GCSE, if they are able to do so, in order to for them to be best placed in a highly-competitive world. Languages are highly regarded by universities, and University College London actually requires their students to have studied a language up to at least GCSE for entry on to all of their degree courses.
We follow the AQA syllabus, where pupils are tested in all four key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. As a department we subscribe to several language websites and online platforms, which enable the pupils to enhance their language skills outside of the classroom.
To complement the learning in the classroom, we maintain close links with several schools abroad, and organise European cultural trips, theatre/cinema visits and an annual exchange in conjunction with the Science Department.