Senior School

Senior School


Our aim is that students will read a wide range of texts with enjoyment and engagement, both literary and non-fiction. 

We aim to encourage articulacy in spoken language via discussion, role play and presentation and promote a variety of writing experiences through discursive, analytical, creative, poetic and reflective personal writing.  

Overall, students should seek to develop a sense of self-confidence, self-esteem and appreciation of language and literature which will enrich their lives and qualify them better to negotiate their futures.  

In Years 7 to 9, students are engaged through study of novels, plays and poetry and a rigorous focus upon grammar and punctuation skills.  Writing for a variety of purposes and encouraging fluency are key to learning and progress in these years, where we are always looking to develop skills of critical reasoning and analysis. 

Enhancement of the English curriculum in Lower School comes through our close liaison with the Library, Speakers’ Club, Quiz Club, the annual ‘Poetry by Heart’ and ‘Hardspell’ events, theatre visits, lecture days and visiting authors.  There is also the opportunity for students to showcase their writing and other talents via submissions to ‘Teen Titles’ magazine, other writing events during the year and through working collaboratively with local primary schools. 

Our Middle School students follow the Edexcel IGCSE courses in English Language and English Literature, both of which contain a 40% coursework element.  In English Language, students are asked to produce writing which analyses, persuades and entertains, in addition to looking closely at poetry and short stories and how language is used.  In English Literature, one novel, a Shakespeare play and a modern play are studied, alongside an anthology of poetry. 

Beyond the curriculum, we regularly enter the Schools’ Challenge Junior and Senior events and the Rotary Club Public Speaking Competition.