Prep School

Prep School

Prep Life

Class Sizes

Class Sizes

To give the children the best opportunities to succeed academically, we pride ourselves on teaching an individualised curriculum. Therefore, class sizes are usually within the following maximum numbers:

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2: 20 children

Years 3 and 4: 22 children

Years 5 and 6: 24 children

Class Teachers are supported by Teaching Assistants where necessary, in addition to Specialist Teachers in the subjects of French, German, Spanish, Computing, Music, Drama, Art, Sport and Design Technology as they move up through the Prep School.

Morning and Twighlight Clubs

Morning and Twighlight Clubs

Our Morning Club is supervised by a member of staff and is available from 8.00am: this is free of charge. There is no need to book, but children are requested to sign the attendance register in the hall. 

Twilight Club is our after-school session for all children from Reception to Year 6: this runs in the Prep Hall. There are two sessions, each costing £3.60 which is added to the following term's fees. The first session runs from the end of school until 4.45pm, and the second session runs from 4.45pm to 6.00pm. Sessions must be booked in advance by emailing

Children who attend afternoon clubs (see our Cocurricular Programme for further information) can return to Twilight for the second session only. When children sign in to Twilight, parents or a designated adult must sign them out.

Prep Residentials

Prep Residentials

Spending time away from home without other family members is an extremely valuable life experience and one which our pupils enjoy from Year 3. The duration and challenge of the trips increases each year, with activities including kayaking, exploring underground, ghyll scrambling and rock climbing. The children also learn how to look after themselves, including making their own beds and cooking for each other.

We encourage children to try new things and to overcome their fears. This helps the children to develop their sense of adventure, responsible risk-taking and, most importantly, to enjoy being out of their comfort zone and to gain a real feeling of achievement.

The children also learn a tremendous amount about themselves and each other. There is a focus on developing their confidence, determination, self-esteem, personal and social skills, all of which help them prepare for their transition to Senior School. Many activities require them to work as a collaborative team, to trust each other and celebrate their differences as well as their similarities. 

Transition to Senior School

Transition to Senior School

All children transition automatically into the Senior School from Year 6 without the requirement to sit our Senior School Entrance Exam, unless they wish to apply for an Academic Scholarship.  

However, if we have concerns regarding your child’s ability to access the Senior School academic curriculum, you will be notified no later than the Summer Term in Year 5 and a meeting will be arranged with the Head of the Prep School, the Headmaster, and the Learning Support Co-ordinator for the Senior School.

Prep School families are encouraged to attend Senior School open events when their children are in Year 4/5 to familiarise them with all that the school offers and to answer any questions they may have.  

Transition activities begin in Year 5 with our Senior School Taster Day in the Summer Term, providing an age-appropriate insight into life in Senior School. Scholarship assessments (Academic, Sport, Music and Drama) take place in January and are run independently from Prep School staff and processes.  

After the Scholarship assessments, the Lower School leadership team visit the Prep School to get to know the children and they attend a Senior School Discovery Day in the Summer Term alongside those joining Year 7 externally. Further information about the transition process is available from our Registrar, Liz Wyatt ( 

Parent Engagement

Parent Engagement

We welcome parents and families into school on a regular basis, with class representatives meeting every half term with the Head of Nursery and Prep School. These meetings form a vital two-way channel of communication and feedback, supplementing our annual parent survey which supports our continuous improvement.

In addition, we welcome families into the school for our regular concerts, class assemblies, sports fixtures and special celebration days, such as Harvest Festival, our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning and Grandparents' Day.

Parents can also keep up to date with activities in their child's year group, news and events via our weekly Nursery and Prep Newsletter.