Prep School

Prep School


"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again" - Nelson Mandela. 

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is at the heart of our curriculum as resilience and having a growth mindset are crucial to our emotional and intellectual intelligence. Attributes such as kindness, consideration, courage, respect, truthfulness, resilience and integrity are developed, drawing on the Round Square framework as well as through our own school rules and Wheel of Well-being, which the pupils and staff developed together.

Our Prep Anti-Bullying Student Ambassadors’ Committee meets regularly with staff to develop good mental and emotional wellbeing throughout the Prep School. They ensure staff and pupils are happy and if not, time is given for listening and introducing well-being strategies to support and help. 

Fundamental British Values and online safety are also very important aspects to our PSHE and wider curriculum. We include these values and safety as part of our planning and lesson content, so pupils are fully informed and aware. 

Building on these foundations, the younger pupils are given experiences of first aid as well as looking after and looking out for each other. We have a dedicated Relationship Education programme in Years 5 and 6 for all children led by our school Matron through our ‘Living and Growing’ programme.