Prep School

Prep School


We nurture an excitement for Mathematics where all pupils believe they can achieve. We want our pupils to be enthused, intrigued and inspired so they can enjoy and nurture a passion for this subject.

The Mathematics Mastery Programme is a whole-school approach that aims to raise attainment for all pupils. We seek to deepen pupils’ conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts with a greater emphasis placed on problem solving, reasoning and mathematical thinking, rather than just rote learning.

We aim for all our pupils to understand how they can use both mental and written methods in the context of real-life practical applications, encouraging whole-class and group discussion. Mental arithmetic, involving quick recall of mathematical facts such as times tables and measures are prioritised from an early age to ensure our learners are ready to apply these to increasingly-complex investigative activities.

To reflect its importance as a core subject, Mathematics is taught by class teachers every day for an hour in mixed-ability groups, until classes are streamed in Years 5 and 6. Those children who need more help are taught in smaller groups for focused interventions with a support teacher in the Beehive. We also tailor further opportunities for those seeking greater challenges including participation in external Mathematics competitions.

By the time our children progress to Senior School at the end of KS2, not only will they be fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics at greater depth, but will have matured into competent, resilient and self-assured mathematicians.