Language is a core foundation for success in later life. The ability to interpret text and to write freely and confidently is at the core of our literacy teaching at AKS.
We understand that children need to be continually challenged. Therefore, we have adopted a curriculum based around high-quality texts, with structured focused guided writing. This way, our pupils constantly have models based on what is working at their age-related expectations and beyond. The children have a structured handwriting and spelling scheme, ensuring consistency across all key stages. We constantly consolidate grammar and spelling through termly assessments.
We have an extensive library with a wide range of books from classics to poetry. We have adopted the ‘Accelerated Reader’ (AR) reading scheme and continue to observe how the children’s exceptional development and thirst for competition-level work are having a huge impact on their deeper understanding.
The importance of children verbalising their emotions, thoughts and opinions is equal to their ability to write. This is a principle that underpins all our lessons, and enables our children to be confident communicators, which we have witnessed through our pupils have reached finals in national competitions for written prose and delivery.