Prep School

Prep School


From the moment you walk through the doors, the bright colourful displays illustrate the wealth of artistic opportunities on offer in our school. Children can explore a wide range of different materials, media and techniques including drawing, painting, printing, collage work, textiles, sculpture.

We are delighted to have a specialist Art teacher who can demonstrate techniques first-hand, break down trickier tasks into achievable small steps and enable the children to succeed and create works of which they are proud. Children are also encouraged to join our after-school Art Club.

Topics are often chosen to compliment learning across the curriculum. For example, a topic about The Very Hungry Caterpillar fits into a healthy eating topic in Year 2; similarly, work about William Morris is taught during a Victorian topic.

Special festivals or days are also celebrated, such as Year 6 children making clay poppies for Remembrance Day and children from the Nursery to Year 2 celebrating the Chinese New Year. Year 3 children worked with ‘Just Good Friends,’ a local charity battling loneliness in the elderly. Lytham Club Day has also been an important community event, and our children have often been involved in the decoration of its floats, winning first prize on several occasions. 

We celebrate artistic achievement and pupils have enjoyed success in local art exhibitions and competitions including Young Seasiders Exhibition and Lytham Heritage Exhibition where, again, our pupils have been amongst the first prize winners.