Lunchtime Lecture: Can infant attachment type predict later behaviour

30/01/2025 Senior School Sixth Form
Lunchtime Lecture: Can infant attachment type predict later behaviour

In today’s lunchtime lecture, Mr Collings, Head of Psychology, gave an informative presentation to students and staff on child development. It focused on the classic theories of two influential developmental psychologists- John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth- and how attachment behaviours can be observed in young infants, as they strive to form a monotropic bond with a primary caregiver.

Three distinct patterns of behaviour can be seen in infants aged 8 months and onwards- secure, insecure-avoidant, and insecure-resistant. These attachment types are a direct result of early experiences with their primary caregiver, enabling an infant to form a very influential understanding of human interaction; indeed, a ‘blueprint’ for all their future relationships. Bowlby referred to this as an infant’s internal working model, and it has been shown in multiple studies to be strongly associated with later behaviour in childhood, adulthood, and parenthood.

Mr Collings thanks all those in attendance at the lecture and welcomes students to stop by Room 3 for further discussion on today’s topic and Psychology in general.

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