

Year 7 Admissions

All external applicants to Senior School are invited to register by the end of November in the preceding year to their Senior School entry. 

They will be invited to attend our Entry Assessment and optional Scholarship days (Sport, Music, Drama), which take place in January. The Entry Assessment day comprises a meeting with a member of the Senior School Leadership Team, an online assessment and a series of fun, interactive sessions (not assessed) which have been designed to put children at ease and to encourage them to make new friends. 

In addition to the children who will move up to Year 7 from our Prep School, we welcome children from over twenty external schools. Whilst it can feel daunting to move from a primary school or prep school environment, our transition activities have been designed to ensure our Senior School feels like home when our new intake arrive in September.  

For further information, contact


The Best Thing #1

The Best Thing #2

The Best Thing #3