Bursaries may be awarded to any parents who suffer temporary and unforeseen financial hardship, thus preventing full payment of school fees. Bursaries are means-tested annually for as long as they last. They are not normally available for Preparatory School pupils, Nursery pupils, or pupils who are about to join the school for the first time. In awarding Bursaries, priority is given to those pupils who have been at the school for at least 5 years and to pupils in their GCSE and A level years.
Additional funding for Bursaries may also be allocated by The Lytham Schools Foundation. This funding may include a contribution towards school fees, uniform, books and equipment, and transport, each of which would be considered on respective merit.
Parents should in the first instance make an appointment with the Director of Finance and Operations, Annie Millard (Annie.Millard@akslytham.com) who will advise further on consideration of each individual situation.