Headmaster's Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to AKS Lytham.

The future is not just something that happens to you: you can change your world, even as it changes around you.

We believe that a great education is one that empowers people to embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead with capability and confidence; one that enables people to make a difference in an uncertain but exciting future.

We live this every day, with excellent teaching, a wide co-curricular offering and exceptional pastoral support. As an accredited Round Square school, we are able to tap into an international network of educators, helping us to deliver a world-class approach to character education, leadership and enabling our students to develop a global mindset.

We are proud not just of the superb examination results our students achieve, but of the many ways they contribute, whether it is performing on stage, on the sports pitch, in service of others, or elsewhere - there is no typical AKS student.

We are fortunate to be set in a stunning beach-front location on the Fylde coast, in wonderful buildings with fantastic facilities. The magic, though, is in the close community of the school: amongst its students, teachers, parents and support staff, there is a real and tangible warmth, where people are known and supported, challenged and cared for every day.

Our website will give just a flavour of our school. But, to really feel what makes this such a special place, there is no substitute for a visit, and I look forward to welcoming you to this vibrant and compassionate community of learners. There really is nowhere quite like it.

David Harrow, Headmaster